Skylight Buying Guide

Jan 17, 2023

What To Consider Before A Skylight Installation

Skylight Buying Guide

What Are Skylights?

Skylights are lighting fixtures installed in a business or home to assist with premium lighting. Skylights are notably placed on your roof to help with any heat loss in your building.

Different lighting fixtures can be installed in your home, but skylights help bring in natural light. Due to their positioning on the roof, skylights provide more light and help make a space more expansive and airy.

Types of Skylights

Business owners have several options when considering the type of skylights available. Options for skylight installations include:

Fixed Skylights: Fixing lighting doesn't open or close and doesn't assist with ventilation in your building. This kind of skylight is typically selected for buildings with high ceilings and is easy to install.

Vented Skylights: Venting lighting allows for consistent airflow in your space. These windows can be manually or electronically opened and closed. This is the best option for areas exposed to high moisture.

Tubular Skylights: Tubular lighting diffuses lighting throughout your space and is typically installed in hallways or closets. It is highly reflective and provides optimum comfort for sunny climates.

Homeowners Should Consider These

Skylights are a valuable investment in your office's appearance and energy costs for business owners looking to renovate their facility.

Daylight and fresh air can quickly enter your office, resulting in a healthier and more pleasant working environment. Contacting a professional when adding a skylight to your business is essential.

Not All Roofs Are Considered Equal

Due to the positioning of some roofs, some buildings are suited for skylight installation. Professional installers may suggest a minor skylight installation if your roofing shingles cannot withstand the skylight.

It is important to note that even if your installer is willing to put a skylight in, it must withstand the materials needed to build. Most roof types can have a skylight, but flat roofs aren't recommended.

Location Matters

Like most home renovations and upgrades, location is key to proper installation. Expert installers know that only some homes' roofs have the right positioning or materials for a skylight installation.

Experts suggest that commercial businesses choose the location of a skylight based on where they want the most natural light. Business owners typically select rooms. The placement of a skylight is also essential.

Depending on the placement of your roof, you can have a perfectly placed skylight roof. West-facing installations provide lasting light and solar heat in the afternoons. Similarly, northern-facing installations will provide your business with constant and excellent lighting in your home.

Glass Glazing Options

Skylight frames consist of wood and metals that hold glazing that helps maintain energy efficiency within your home. There are different options for glazing that professionals may suggest.

These options include glass and plastic glazing. Glass glazing is highlighted to help retain indoor heat and keep out outdoor heat throughout the seasons. Glass also helps block nearly all UV rays.

Unlike glass, plastic glazing is cheaper and less likely to break from natural causes. Though plastic has these benefits, this glazing is known to scratch easily, discolors quickly, and is typically sold in standard sizes and shapes.

Regardless of your choice, it is essential to consider what is available for your business!

Contact Your Professional Roofers Today!

Walter's Roofing, LLC is the trusted skylight expert in Ohio you can count on. With decades of experience, they are dedicated to providing only the highest quality of work and ensuring you have the perfect skylight installation.

From custom design to efficient maintenance and highly professional service, they are excited to serve their customers and give them the peace of mind that comes with a long-lasting skylight. Stop by Walter's Roofing today and see what our experts can do for you!

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